Odoo Bridge For Magento.
On the off chance that you are a dealing with your site on Magento which is a standout amongst the most utilized and capable E-Commerce stages then you should know about its adaptability and adaptability. Be that as it may, since it is only worked for E-Commerce it falls behind with regards to productive stock, bookkeeping, and reports administration.
Odoo being a standout amongst the most adaptable, versatile and exhaustive ERP arrangements has a solid handle of stock, bookkeeping, CRM and reports administration. Our module “Magento Odoo Integration” enables the client to consolidate and saddle the capability of both Magento and Odoo and in this way to productively and viably deal with the Sales at Magento end and stock, clients, bookkeeping, detailing and substantially more at Odoo end.
For additionally points of interest and assessment you can get in touch with us by means of Email: [email protected] or Say Hello! +91 9029421211
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Saarthi Software Technologies begun it’s consistent and decided rising towards turning into the Best Web Design Company in India, in 2006. Remaining consistent with its essential target of conveying creative, great Digital Web Design administrations. We’ve made some amazing progress in the aggressive field of Web Development Services.
Odoo Bridge For Magento Features.
- Bidirectional product sync
- Bidirectional category sync
- Bidirectional order status update
- Customer sync from Magento to odoo
- Real-time order sync from Magento to odoo
- Real-time inventory sync
- Sync of Magento configurable products as odoo variants
- Tax mapping
- Payment mapping
- Shipping carrier mapping
- Compatible with Odoo POS, inventory will automatically sync at both end Magento and Odoo during order/delivery at Magento or POS
Centralized Order Management :
Magento Order :
- Real-time order sync from Magento to odoo without any manual intervention.
- Any order status update at odoo end will be updated at Magento also
Odoo Order :
- The order that is processed at odoo end will affect the status of the order at Magento end.
POS Order :
- There has been an interlinking between the POS and Magento. So, the order update at POS will be reflected at Magento also.

Centralized Inventory management :
Delivery Order :
- The module has been designed in such a fashion that whether the order source is Magento, odoo or POS the order delivery update on odoo, the inventory will be updated on Magento without any manual intervention.
Purchase Order / Incoming Shipment :
- If there is any update in inventory due to purchase order or due to any incoming shipment, the inventory is updated at Magento end.
POS Order :
- The module helps you manage the POS inventory update to be synced to odoo and Magento.

Centralized Accounting :
- The module will help you manage all your invoices at one place, ie. at odoo end. Since the orders get synced from Magento to odoo thus helps to maintain the invoice very easily. All the invoice will be generated and maintained at odoo end.

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