Hospital Management System Odoo Hospital Management framework module is one of the imperative programming which encourages you to deal with your healing facilities and centers including Hospital charging, buys, stock, quiet, Accounting, Diseases and numerous more . . Our group after broad research on Healthcare industry took a stab at covering the greater part of the perspectives in our doctor’s facility administration module assist every one of our modules are connected with one of the main open source ERP Modules, for example, Sales, Purchase, Inventory,Human Resource, Accounting et cetera making it as one of the entire ERP programming bundle for Hospital and Clinical Industries.

Since Odoo is an electronic ERP one of the greatest preferred standpoint you get of utilizing our module is to have an online Hospital Information Management framework. With a total ERP suite of programming module to automate any substantial scale healing center and associate with its facilities and its branches. It is completely online electronic programming. The data is accessible whenever, anyplace. Our module is completely adaptable or extra highlights which are not accessible starting at now can be made effortlessly making it User benevolent, Highly flexible, Quick installable, Completely Database driven, Centralized Database, Hospital Information Management System ERP programming accessible in the market today,Please investigate the highlights portrayed underneath in our Odoo Module.

For additionally points of interest and assessment you can get in touch with us by means of Email: [email protected] or Say Hello! +91 9029421211

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Saarthi Software Technologies begun it’s consistent and decided rising towards turning into the Best Web Design Company in India, in 2006. Remaining consistent with its essential target of conveying creative, great Digital Web Design administrations. We’ve made some amazing progress in the aggressive field of Web Development Services.


Create a patient

It allows you to create a patient and fill it’s details.


This module helps to generate report like patient card, appointment receipt, create invoice, prescription report etc.

Support for 90 Days

As this module is the very useful for all type of Industries. You can contact us for any Query regading this Module.


This module helps to create appointment of patient’s.

Patient Hospitalization

This module provides Patient Hospitalization functionality.


This module helps you to maintain the laboratory.

Compatible with Odoo Version : 11, 10, 9

Buy Now : $65

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Odoo Hospital Management System solution Avaliable for Odoo version 10 and Odoo Version 11

This module provides you with following features
  • Health center Management
  • Hospital Buildings Management
  • Wards management
  • Bed Management
  • Operation Room
  • Apothecary
  • Domiciliary Units
  • Patient – Out Patient Admissions
  • Patient – In Patient Admissions
  • Vaccines
  • Call Logs
  • Physicians & Appointments
  • Physicians Management
  • Appointments
  • Prescriptions
  • Evaluations
  • Paediatrics
  • Newborns
  • Surgeries
  • Insurances
  • Laboratory
  • Lab Tests
  • Imaging Tests
  • Configuration
  • Physicians
  • Specialities
  • Degrees
  • Laboratory
  • Pathology
  • Diseases
  • Disease Categories
  • Health & Products
  • Medicines

Our Works.

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